
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Fixed Wireless NBN Over a Satellite Connection

Let us get one important thing out of the way — fixed wireless NBN is different and entirely different technology to a satellite NBN connection. While they both types of NBN service require a dish or antenna and both supply high-speed internet connection without using cable lines, but there are some crucial distinctions between the two. Knowing the difference is key to choosing which type of connection is better suited to your situation.

So what are the differences?

The most apparent difference is that weather does not impact fixed wireless as the satellite is. A satellite connection can be interrupted by climate condition in your location such as storms and even cloudy weather.

The range of a fixed wireless NBN connection usually is no higher than 500 feet or so, and the signal never takes a trip up through the atmosphere, so storms or other climate condition won’t hinder the message.

Another essential difference is latency or lag time. Because the signal has a much shorter distance to take a trip, latency is significantly less for NBN fixed wireless plans compared to satellite internet. This indicates that your streaming and real-time applications will operate at maximum efficiency.

To better understand how a fixed wireless NBN connection works, refer to the following elements that make it work:

  • The transmission tower — with all respects, similar to a typical cellular phone tower, is typically within 10 miles of your house. The tower sends the wireless signal which brings your internet connection.

  • The antenna which is usually installed at the roof of your home or in some cases it may be on a pole or in the attic. It picks up the signal sent out by the tower and brings it to your house.

  • A cable carries your internet signal from the antenna, through the walls, into your house. Where this cable goes depends upon where your router is, and it can be laid out in any manner you choose

  • A router that converts the signal into a form that your computer can use, and permits you to link several devices to a single internet source. You can plug gadgets directly into the Ethernet ports on the back of the router, or connect to its wireless signal with laptops, phones, tablets, and so on

  • Your computer system (or phone or tablet) sends out details to the router, which sends it back through the circuitry to the antenna and from there to the tower.

Of course, some cases would make NBN Satellite Internet the better option over the fixed wireless connection. For one thing, fixed wireless has limited range and requires line of sight from transmission tower to the user. This is not always possible especially for people that reside in remote areas of the country. Satellite NBN, on the other hand, is not limited to any particular location. Also, thanks to a myriad of innovations in web technology, NBN satellite is fast and reliable enough for most users especially for typical web browsing, social networks, and video streaming.