
Chrome Bookmark Location

Chrome’s bookmark manager takes care of the job. You can easily bookmark any page or site either by tapping the star symbol or hitting the CTRL+D keyboard shortcut. When you compare it and other bookmark managers, you will acknowledge one thing is absent.

There is no real way to add notes to bookmarks in Chrome. It is also a necessary feature after using Chrome for a couple of years; you will find yourself managing several bookmarks. Furthermore, you won’t even remember why you have the vast majority of them there. I no longer remember a large portion of the destinations that I bookmarked a couple of years back. An essential note with every one of them would’ve made a difference.

Use Title for Notes

Chrome’s bookmark manager enables you to alter the title of the page at the time of bookmarking. You can utilize this space to include notes alongside the title. Not the most ideal approach to things but rather still can be a potential solution.

You need to know about chrome bookmark location and to open the page you want to bookmark or click the star icon or press on the CTRL +D from your keyboard. If you’re going to edit your old bookmarks, then you can use this method. You have to open the bookmark manager in a new tab by pressing CTRL+ shift+ O keyboard shortcut.

That will show all your bookmark folders on the left and the corresponding bookmarks on the right. You can click on the right click on one and choose the Edit to change the title.

Bookmark Manager Extension

You may be amazed to discover that Google built up the Bookmark Manager extension for Chrome. It enables users to save pictures and add notes to singular bookmarks to give better experience. I don’t know why these features were excluded from Chrome’s bookmark manager.

Every one of your organizers and bookmarks is displayed in a brilliant card-style design. After installing the extension, click on the menu catch and select Edit for the bookmark you need to edit. A sidebar on the correct will spring up where you can change the title and furthermore include a note. Different choices incorporate envelope the board and opening (View catch) the page in another tab.

Bookmark Manager Speed Dial

Rather than cards, Bookmark Manager Speed Dial extension will exhibit every one of your bookmarks in sections. The UI is lovely and intuitive. By demonstrating every one of the bookmarks in segments, the extension uses a similar measure of room to show more bookmarks.

You can likewise add notes to singular bookmarks; however, there is 100 character point of confinement to it. Different features incorporate the capacity to share your bookmark sheets with others, get to online networking refreshes, and impair new tab include. I am still not sure why anybody would need to disable opening a bookmark in another tab.

To edit the bookmark and add a note, you need to click on the pencil-shaped icon next to the bookmarked page. When you put your mouse pointer on the bookmark entry, then you can see the pencil icon.

Another element that I found extremely helpful was the capacity to sort every one of my bookmarks one after another in order and by generally clicked. The last will tell you which bookmarked sites you visit the most.

Don’t forget to create a free account that will keep your bookmarks in sync across the devices.